Dear colleagues!

Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Studies (FECIAR) hereby invites early career researchers, students and PhD candidates to the 4rd International conference of early career researchers «Arctic research: from extensive exploitation to integrated development» (Russia, Arkhangelsk, 17-19 April 2024) organized in partnership with the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU) and boards of early career researchers of FECAR and NArFU.

The conference program will include 6 main panels:

  1. Social, cultural and economic development of the Arctic regions (research in fields of economics, social sciences, history, archaeology and ethnology)
  2. Medical and biological issues and human adaptation in the Arctic (research in medicine and human physiology)
  3. Natural resources capacities in the Arctic (research in geology, mineralogy and physical geography)
  4. Arctic ecosystems and environmental protection (research in biology, ecology and rational environmental management)
  5. Industrial development of the Arctic regions (research in technical sciences: industry, civil engineering, energy sector, transportation, new materials/technologies and research methods, chemical industry and shipbuilding)
  6. Contemporary information technologies: Arctic regional development application perspectives (research in automated systems, machine learning technologies, big data analysis, information security)

Registration due 18 March 2024 available via the link below

You can submit your conference proceedings via the address below until 18 March 2024 arctic.science.conf@yandex.ru

Detailed guidelines for thesis styling are available in the end of the information letter.

Work languages: Russian and English

Work of the conference will take place on plenary and panel sessions. It is possible to participate by correspondence.

Please contact the Organization committee on any relevant questions via the following address arctic.science.conf@yandex.ru

The electronic edited collection of proceedings will be published before June 2024. The volume is to be indexed in the National bibliographic data base of scientific citation (RSCI).

N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FECIAR UrB RAS) is the state-owned research institution conducting the comprehensive basic, exploratory and applied research to facilitate and ensure the development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation.

FCIARctic ? mission is to promote the competitive scientific and technological foundations for balanced socio-economic development, improving the quality of life in the region, preserving the natural environment, biological and genetic diversity in the Arctic.

We are over 250 employees divided between main office in Arkhangelsk and offices in the Primorskiy district (Arkhangelsk region) and Naryan-Mar (Nenets autonomous okrug) which are the parts of the Russian Arctic Zone.